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[the 266th Monthly Seminar of JSSAA]
Date:16:00~17:30, 8th June, 2019. 
Place:4th meeting room, 4th floor, Building no. 39, Toyama campus, Waseda University.
Presenter:Mr. Liu Jiun-yu (Ph.D. candidate, University of Washington) 
Title: Revisiting Ancient Ironworking and Recent Research Advance in Eastern Taiwan

Abstract:The newly excavated Blihun Hanben 漢本 (BHB) site yielded over 9000 kg ceramic, 6000 kg iron slag, 200 burials, and several dwelling structures. The significant quantity remains indicate a highly populated settlement. At least two cultural layers (phase) were found in this site. The upper layer, L4, is dated from 1600 to 1200 cal. BP; and the lower layer, L6, is dated from 2000 to 1600 cal. BP. Ceramic analyses show some similarities between BHB L6 and Huakangshan 花岡山 Upper Layer Culture in Hualien 花蓮 (south of BHB) but also heavily connected with Suao 蘇澳 area (north of BHB) from petrographic perspective. On the other hand, BHB L4 can be classified as the Shihsanhang 十三行 Culture by ceramic, and petrographic analysis shows local source for pottery. Slag analyses indicate an intensified secondary smelting (smithing) in the settlement, though we do not find the evidence for primary smelting. Overall, the finding from this site fills the chronological gap between Neolithic and Metal Age in eastern Taiwan and also indicate southern orientated overseas connections.